♪♫♦♥Mathilda Dicksdotter♥♦♫♪



"Januari den 29 är då fan helt förstörd för mig nu." 
Jag och min vovve ligger tättihoptryckta i sängen, jag vet att vi båda bara vill gråta och springa in och väcka mamma. Men är man en 20-årig flicka och en kaxig hund så vill man inte ens lossas visa sig rädd...
Det roliga var att jag igår tänkte av någon ful anledning att "the sinister" skulle stå utanför i skogskanten och titta på mig när jag skulle ner i köket och hämta dricka. 
Undvek att titta ut ifall man började hallucinera.
Så var det inget mer med det. 

Men nu ikväll, när jag skulle snabbhämta milkshakekannan i kylen så blev det riktigt jobbigt.
Det började med att jag gick ner till köket tände lamporna, hämtade ett glas och gick till kylskåpet.
Lampan i kylen tändes och efter någon sekund så slocknade den bara, sen hör jag i bakgrunden hur allt i huset stängs av samtidigt som jag tänker (NEEEEJ STRÖMAVBROTT THE SINISTER STIRRAR RAKT PÅ MIG NU!!!!)
Kände hur all trygghet inom mig också bara stängdes av och domnade tungt bort till panik. Lovar att han stod i buskarna och äckelvillstirra ut mig...

Kändes som värsta skräckfilmen och jag väntade bara på att någon gestalt skulle visa sig i nräheten av mig :'(
Såg snabbt ett ljus och de var mammas Iphone som lös upp för den var i laddaren, sprang till den och använde ljuset ifrån den och letade tändare och tände ljus. Vägrade titta ut genom fönstrena.
Stod och tryckte i hörnet i köket för att bestämma om jag skulle vara kvar där nere eller gå upp och gömma mig i sängen. Så kom min lilla vovve till mig, lika rädd som jag! 
Vi tog ett ljus och milkshake och gick upp till mig där vi är nu. Men precis när vi ska gå upp så kommer strömmen tillbaka... Tack? PRECIS EXAKT NÄR JAG VAR NERE I KÖKET?!?!? Den enda lilla minuten jag tillbringade i köket denna nattt ska nån jävle komma och förstöra! Januari den 29 är då fan helt förstörd för mig nu. 
Laxi vägrar gå ut från mitt rum nu, men jag vägrar låta honom gå om de skulle bli strömavbrott igen.


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  • Andrewidobe säger:

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  • Ronaldskype säger:

    Hello my name is Matthew D'Agati.
    Solar energy is actually probably one of the most promising and sought-after sourced elements of clean, renewable energy in the past few years. This can be because of its numerous benefits, including financial savings, energy savings, while the positive impact this has from the environment. In this essay, we are going to talk about the advantages of choosing solar power in homes and businesses, the technology behind it, and just how it could be implemented to maximize its benefits.

    One of the main advantages of choosing solar power in homes may be the financial savings it offers. Solar power panels are designed for generating electricity for your house, reducing or eliminating the need for traditional types of energy. This may end up in significant savings in your monthly energy bill, especially in areas with high energy costs. In addition, the price of solar panel systems and associated equipment has decreased significantly through the years, which makes it more affordable for homeowners to buy this technology.

    Another advantageous asset of using solar power in homes could be the increased value it could provide towards the property. Homes which have solar power panels installed are generally valued greater than homes which do not, because they offer an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly option to traditional energy sources. This increased value could be a substantial benefit for homeowners who will be seeking to sell their property as time goes on.

    For businesses, the many benefits of using solar power are numerous. One of many primary benefits is cost savings, as businesses can significantly reduce their energy costs by adopting solar power. In addition, there are many different government incentives and tax credits open to businesses that adopt solar energy, making it much more affordable and cost-effective. Furthermore, companies that adopt solar energy will benefit from increased profitability and competitiveness, since they are viewed as environmentally conscious and energy-efficient.

    The technology behind solar technology is not at all hard, yet highly effective. Solar panel systems are made of photovoltaic (PV) cells, which convert sunlight into electricity. This electricity may then be stored in batteries or fed straight into the electrical grid, with regards to the specific system design. So that you can maximize the benefits of solar technology, you should design a custom system this is certainly tailored to your particular energy needs and requirements. This can make certain you have just the right components set up, like the appropriate amount of solar energy panels and also the right variety of batteries, to optimize your time efficiency and value savings.

    One of several important aspects in designing a custom solar power system is knowing the different sorts of solar panel systems and their performance characteristics. There are two main main kinds of solar energy panels – monocrystalline and polycrystalline – each having its own benefits and drawbacks. Monocrystalline solar power panels are produced from a single, high-quality crystal, helping to make them more effective and sturdy. However, they're also more costly than polycrystalline panels, that are produced from multiple, lower-quality crystals.

    Along with solar energy panels, a custom solar power system will even include a battery system to keep excess energy, as well as an inverter to convert the stored energy into usable electricity. It is vital to choose a battery system this is certainly capable of storing the actual quantity of energy you'll need for the specific energy needs and requirements. This can make certain you have a trusted way to obtain power in case of power outages or any other disruptions to your time supply.

    Another advantageous asset of using solar technology is the positive impact this has in the environment. Solar power is a clear and renewable power source, producing no emissions or pollutants. This will make it an ideal re

    2023-04-26 | 12:10:33
  • ElcePam säger:

    Counter Strike Global Offensive - How come no one never uninstalls

    Counter Strike CZ is the most well-known and most played multiplayer FPS until now. The game is being played in every part of this world. Always in, every gaming cafe, on every PC and Laptop and even on every Xbox console.
    Counter Strike Source:

    Counter Strike GO originally was a modification of the Half-life game which had already been created in the late 1990's. This online shooter game is a tactical and reaction based online shooter which tests the mind and responsive skills of the player. Valve Inc took the reins of coding this FPS in the year 2000, upgraded it by adding some new distinct and hand made metrics to Counter Strike.
    Definitely the timeless features of Counter Strike CZ is the right to provide your own server. This creates a whole new realm for gamers to build team server and group up. With such a feature available to gamers the possibilities is endless. Around launch time admins only used Dedicated Servers to run their CS Condition Zero Servers. Nowadays teams might use a VPS Ryzen and surely will have low latency in CS Global Offensive.

    CS Condition Zero has been a source of addiction for the kids since its beginning. The question is how come? Well, it is because it is that type of multiplayer which won’t actually will get boring even if one plays it for year after year.
    Here are some of the reasons why CS 1.6 is addicting:

    One can simply never get used to Counter Strike since it allows the user to build it according to their like and preferences. One of the main uses of this freedom is called "cheating". CS Aimbots are the most extreme part of MMO FPS and almost all of the gamers have actually become the hackers by the time they are good at CS. Some may want to play CS on the beginner levels and the maps with which they are used to but the point is that most of the veteran players just want some different things to prolong their interest in CS. LeagueCheats hacks works on WarGods, WarGodz, sXe injected, Esportal, GamersClub, EAC, Challengeme.gg, 99damage, FaceIT, SoStronk, PVPRO, GOLeague, ChallengerMode, FastCup CSGO, Akros, Valve Anti Cheat, VACNET, Gfinity, CEVO, ESL, FaceIT Server Side, SMAC, KAC, PopFlash, Kickback, and ZenGaming. CZ Cheats

    So, one can edit infinite maps for their own groups or for their hosted servers. Isn't it awesome that you play every instance on multiple maps and then users attempt to get skill over that particular level by playing over and over via fast battles. This in my perspective is the undoubted reason why players will ever quits even after tons of seasons.

    The maps can be customized through multiple programs and software, which are always free to use and one can be skilled in it by watching Video tutorials. Most people think that Counter Strike Source came with a lot of maps but the statement is that it came only with some basic maps but over time the admins created some varied distinct maps on the Valve mapping platform which the users have been installing them via various websites.

    Another thing which is keeping CS Source replayable and exciting is the right to make your own listen server. One can make a separate dedi for their own team so that they can have some varied battles with each other or they can invite other rivals for a PCW. As referenced one can have a NVMe VPS and still have a fast server in CS Condition Zero.

    Finally, there are also many epic images available which the users can make and can spray them on the walls or anything else in maps. The spray logos really show the logo of the particular players or clans.

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  • Richardfoemi säger:

    Hi there my name is MATT D'AGATI.
    Solar power is becoming perhaps one of the most promising and sought-after sourced elements of clean, renewable energy in the past few years. It is due to its numerous benefits, including financial savings, energy savings, as well as the positive impact this has on the environment. In this specific article, we will talk about the advantages of choosing solar energy in homes and businesses, the technology behind it, and exactly how it may be implemented to maximize its benefits.

    One of the most significant benefits of using solar power in homes could be the financial savings it gives. Solar energy panels can handle generating electricity for your house, reducing or eliminating the necessity for traditional sourced elements of energy. This will probably lead to significant savings on the monthly energy bill, particularly in areas with a high energy costs. In addition, the expense of solar energy panels and associated equipment has decreased significantly through the years, which makes it less expensive for homeowners to buy this technology.

    Another good thing about using solar technology in homes may be the increased value it could provide towards the property. Homes which have solar power panels installed are often valued greater than homes which do not, because they offer an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly replacement for traditional energy sources. This increased value could be an important benefit for homeowners who will be seeking to sell their property later on.

    For businesses, the benefits of using solar power are numerous. One of many primary benefits is cost benefits, as businesses can significantly reduce their energy costs by adopting solar technology. In addition, there are numerous government incentives and tax credits available to companies that adopt solar energy, rendering it a lot more affordable and cost-effective. Furthermore, companies that adopt solar technology will benefit from increased profitability and competitiveness, as they are regarded as environmentally conscious and energy-efficient.

    The technology behind solar power is simple and easy, yet highly effective. Solar panel systems are made of photovoltaic (PV) cells, which convert sunlight into electricity. This electricity may then be kept in batteries or fed directly into the electrical grid, with respect to the specific system design. To be able to maximize the advantages of solar power, it is critical to design a custom system that is tailored to your particular energy needs and requirements. This may make sure that you have just the right components set up, including the appropriate wide range of solar energy panels therefore the right variety of batteries, to maximise your power efficiency and value savings.

    One of several important aspects in designing a custom solar power system is comprehending the several types of solar panel systems and their performance characteristics. There's two main forms of solar power panels – monocrystalline and polycrystalline – each featuring its own advantages and disadvantages. Monocrystalline solar power panels are manufactured from an individual, high-quality crystal, helping to make them more effective and durable. However, also, they are more costly than polycrystalline panels, which are produced from multiple, lower-quality crystals.

    In addition to solar power panels, a custom solar technology system may also include a battery system to store excess energy, along with an inverter to convert the stored energy into usable electricity. It is critical to choose a battery system this is certainly with the capacity of storing the quantity of energy you want for the specific energy needs and requirements. This may make certain you have a dependable supply of power in the case of power outages or any other disruptions to your time supply.

    Another advantageous asset of using solar technology could be the positive impact it offers from the environment. Solar energy is a clear and renewable energy source, p

    2023-05-22 | 00:45:36
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  • Ronaldskype säger:

    Greetings my name is Matthew D'Agati.
    Solar power the most promising and efficient types of renewable energy, which is rapidly gaining interest as a principal energy source on the job. In the future, it's likely that solar power is the dominant energy source at work, as more and more companies and organizations adopt this neat and sustainable energy source. In this specific article, we're going to discuss why it is essential to change to renewable energy sources such as for example solar technology at the earliest opportunity, and exactly how this transition will benefit businesses and also the environment.

    The initial & most important reasons why it is critical to change to renewable energy sources may be the environmental impact. The usage fossil fuels, such as for instance coal, oil, and natural gas, may be the main reason behind polluting of the environment, greenhouse gas emissions, and climate change. These emissions have a profound effect on the environmental surroundings, causing severe weather conditions, rising sea levels, as well as other environmental hazards. By adopting solar power, companies and organizations often helps reduce their carbon footprint and donate to a cleaner, more sustainable future.

    Another important reason to modify to solar technology may be the financial savings it gives. Solar panel systems are designed for generating electricity for businesses, reducing or eliminating the necessity for traditional types of energy. This may end up in significant savings on energy bills, particularly in areas with a high energy costs. Furthermore, there are numerous government incentives and tax credits offered to companies that adopt solar technology, rendering it much more cost-effective and affordable.

    The technology behind solar technology is simple and easy, yet highly effective. Solar panel systems are made of photovoltaic (PV) cells, which convert sunlight into electricity. This electricity may then be stored in batteries or fed directly into the electrical grid, with regards to the specific system design. To be able to maximize the benefits of solar energy, you should design a custom system this is certainly tailored to your particular energy needs and requirements. This will make certain you have the proper components in position, like the appropriate wide range of solar power panels in addition to right form of batteries, to maximise your time efficiency and cost savings.

    One of several important aspects in designing a custom solar technology system is comprehending the various kinds of solar power panels and their performance characteristics. There are 2 main types of solar energy panels – monocrystalline and polycrystalline – each featuring its own advantages and disadvantages. Monocrystalline solar power panels are manufactured from an individual, high-quality crystal, helping to make them more effective and durable. However, they are more costly than polycrystalline panels, which are created from multiple, lower-quality crystals.

    In addition to cost benefits and environmental benefits, switching to solar power also can provide companies and organizations with an aggressive advantage. Businesses that adopt solar power are noticed as environmentally conscious and energy-efficient, and also this can really help increase their reputation and competitiveness. Furthermore, companies that adopt solar power will benefit from increased profitability, since they are in a position to reduce their energy costs and boost their important thing.

    Additionally, it is important to see that the technology behind solar power is rapidly advancing, and new advancements are now being made on a regular basis. For instance, the efficiency of solar panel systems is consistently increasing, making it possible for more energy to be generated from a smaller sized quantity of panels. In addition, new innovations, such as for instance floating solar panel systems and solar power panels that are incorporated into building materials, are making it simpler and more

    2023-06-03 | 22:53:55
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