♪♫♦♥Mathilda Dicksdotter♥♦♫♪



Kom just hem från Solsidan, dyngsur! (varför heter det "dyngsur" i synonymsläkte med genomvåt? låter ju mer som någon äcklig fis...)
Först när jag gick ut så haglade det och sen när jag skulle gå till stan
spöregnade det och stormade så hårt att jag kände hur det nästan fick lilla mig att tappa balansen.

Tänkte, vad gör jag? Komma in till stan och visa mig som en nytvättad
katt, eller gå hem, ta en varm kopp choklad och läsa den nya boken?
Ville vara duktig när jag liksom var på väg. Men allt stormade typ upp in my face.
Gjorde ett tappert försök att hitta ett paraply där hemma och tänkte där
med att jag kunde fixa till mig igen, men fann inget paraply.

Så nu måste jag ju nästan krypa ner i täcket, läsa min bok och smutta lite choklad.
Vad arg jag blir alltså. ;)

Förresten, fick mig ett gott skratt idag också.
En snubbe och hans kompisar kom just ut från en restaurang och snubben springskuttar glatt ut i gatan där jag kommer och går.
Vi tittar på varandra och han utbrister "WOHOOO" och fortsätter sitt skuttande förbi mig.
Sen tittar hans kompisar och jag mellan varandra och skrattar. 
Det gjorde min dag, haha tack! 


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    2022-05-07 | 04:52:47
  • Williamcof säger:

    DWI charges neccesitate all of the expert tricks employed in criminal defense courts. Defending a OVI begins by deciding not one of a persons constitutional rights have been trespassed. Because law enforcement is in front of you, while they are basically the only witnesses most of the time, their specialized education and procedural conduct is of the substance. some of us all make mistakes, and cops are no no exception to the rule. The Occasion begins when usual accusation that will lead to probable cause. For example, a person gets flashed over for driving too slow at 3 a.m.. The officer has reasonable suspicion that the driver has created a moving violation, swerving. Now, as the police officer tries to make eye connection or moves in closer to the vehicle, he or she will point to the fact you exhibit red eyes, or there is an odor of liquor. This elevates the acceptabel suspicion of recklessness to providing the law enforcement a clue that a person may be operating while intoxicated. 80% of cops will say odor of beer, red ojos, or sloppy talk. They will also note you are rumaging about trying to get your drivers license and registration out. At this point the person driving is likely commanded to get out of a automobile and start universal physical sobriety checks. Those are SFST’s are learned under NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) regulations and must be followed per instance. when you do perform the tests, the officer can make mistakes which will have the check, or tests thrown out of from evidence. Things such as physical disabilities and optimal street conditions can be integrated into results of your check. (i.e. someone can’t perform a hop on one leg and turn test on ramped stret). You may also take a breathalyzer tests. There are irregularities in these gadgets as well, and they are machines that need maintenance and trained on regularly. The incarceration is videoed at the instance the law enforcement turns on their red and blues. Through this taped evidence we are able to secure an factual choice on the law enforcement performing of the tests, to the clients performance taking the checks. Whether you consent to the checks or not, one will go to big house. If you have been arrested for Drugs or any criminal charges or know some one who needs a criminal defense Attorney take a look at my site at this place [url=https://www.bouchardcincinnaticriminalduiattorney.com/practice-areas/][color=#000_url]Cinn dui[/color][/url] Have a great day

    2022-08-22 | 21:34:26
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    2022-09-01 | 02:51:55
  • MichaelKed säger:

    Karate is a kind of Japanese martial art. It really is perhaps one of the most widely practiced martial art forms world
    wide. It hinges on acute physical coordination and mental focus. The term Karate actually translates to
    empty open hands. In a far more deeper understanding, ‘te’ signifies
    that your particular body is our main weapon, as opposed to swords, guns, or any object that is physically harmful.
    This fighting style was utilized by the Ryukyu Islands natives, and was later influenced by Chinese
    . when Chinese families settled on Okinawa. The karateka consists of punches, kicks and
    deflection techniques. The themes of traditional karate training are both fighting and self-defence,
    although the mental and moral aspects target the individuals overall improvement.
    Karate was developed in Asia (India, China and Japan) over many thousands of years, having countless
    fighting techinques variations and disciplines practiced today. The present day day karate is practiced in
    Okinawa, an island located in Japan. This can be traced back once again to the late 17th century, when weapons
    were banned by samurai rulers of Japan. The earliest written evidence of karate was your message tode
    (the Okinawan name when it comes to art). This was through the reference of a Chinese visitor who taught a
    as a type of Kung Fu into the island. The tode style blended with the martial arts which has had recently been
    cultivated regarding the island, referred to as te (hand). Te was popular in three cities: Shuri, Naha and Tamarai.
    Each one of these cities had their particular method of doing martial arts and modern day styles, including
    Shotokan and Shito-ryu (mostly affected by the town of Shuri). For hundreds of years, experts in
    Okinawan martial arts perfected a number of combat styles and forms, because of political situations. The
    ruling authorities would ban peasants in using weapons from time to time, leaving them with
    household items for protection. This also plays a role in the development of martial arts across Asia,
    relating to how karate is practiced without weaponry.
    A guy named Funakoshi Gichin is credited for carrying karate beyond its geographical roots, by
    bringing the elements of Okinawan fighting styles therefore the combat technique to mainland Japan, that
    progressively reached all of those other world. He brought karate to Japan in 1922, and it is seen and
    respected as the father of modern karate. If karate needed to be described in one sentence, Funakoshi’s
    maxim is the the best option: “You never attack first in karate.”
    Today, karate is practiced by millions of people worldwide. There are now four main styles of karate in
    Japan: Shotokan, Goju-ryu, Shito-ryu, and Wado-ryu. Karatekas wear a white, loose-fitting outfit
    called a gi, composed of pants and a jacket that’s closed with a belt. The belt’s colour indicates the
    karateka’s skill level (kyu). This could range from different styles and teachings of Karate.

    The Shotokan Karate Global Melbourne is the official organisation of martial art
    in Aussie-land. The organization has round 5 clubs, with over 400 members, which makes it one of
    the biggest Australian martial arts interactions.
    Shotokan Karate had been revealed to Queensland in 1971 by Sensei Maxton Jordan. His starting experience of
    martial arts was in 1963, whenever his friends learned about a unique fighting craft getting brought into indonesia.
    Sensei Brayden practiced five to 6 times each week, and getting him a doubled winning by great the
    European state Kata tournament during the age of 25. Then he made a decision to take up instructing Karate
    skillfully, as well as went to Osaka to study his teacher certificate in the age of twenty two. Sensei Tyler
    was the initial completely knowledgeable Karate mentor to reach in Europe.
    Nowadays, SKIA strives to weigh ordinary and fashionable martial arts in teaching and opposition. They
    on a regular basis host old-fashioned martial arts get togethers, in which university students benef

    2023-02-02 | 07:00:18
  • Richardfoemi säger:

    Hello my name is Matthew D'Agati.
    Solar power is one of the most promising and efficient types of renewable energy, which is rapidly gathering popularity as a main energy source on the job. In the future, it is likely that solar power is the dominant source of energy on the job, as increasing numbers of companies and organizations adopt this neat and sustainable power source. In this essay, we shall discuss why it's important to change to renewable energy sources such as for example solar power as soon as possible, and just how this transition will benefit businesses together with environment.

    The initial & most important reasons why you should change to renewable energy sources may be the environmental impact. The usage of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, could be the main reason behind polluting of the environment, greenhouse gas emissions, and climate change. These emissions have a profound effect on environmental surroundings, causing severe climate conditions, rising sea levels, along with other environmental hazards. By adopting solar technology, companies and organizations often helps reduce their carbon footprint and donate to a cleaner, more sustainable future.

    Another essential reason to change to solar technology may be the cost benefits it offers. Solar energy panels are designed for generating electricity for businesses, reducing or eliminating the necessity for traditional types of energy. This will probably end in significant savings on energy bills, especially in areas with a high energy costs. Furthermore, there are many different government incentives and tax credits accessible to companies that adopt solar technology, which makes it much more cost-effective and affordable.

    The technology behind solar technology is not at all hard, yet highly effective. Solar panel systems are made of photovoltaic (PV) cells, which convert sunlight into electricity. This electricity are able to be stored in batteries or fed directly into the electrical grid, according to the specific system design. To be able to maximize some great benefits of solar technology, you will need to design a custom system this is certainly tailored to your particular energy needs and requirements. This may make sure that you have the proper components in position, like the appropriate amount of solar panel systems as well as the right sort of batteries, to increase your power efficiency and cost savings.

    Among the important aspects in designing a custom solar technology system is comprehending the different sorts of solar power panels and their performance characteristics. There are 2 main kinds of solar energy panels – monocrystalline and polycrystalline – each having its own advantages and disadvantages. Monocrystalline solar power panels are made of just one, high-quality crystal, which makes them more effective and sturdy. However, they are more costly than polycrystalline panels, which are produced from multiple, lower-quality crystals.

    In addition to cost savings and environmental benefits, switching to solar power may also provide companies and organizations with a competitive advantage. Companies that adopt solar technology are seen as environmentally conscious and energy-efficient, and this might help increase their reputation and competitiveness. Furthermore, companies that adopt solar power can benefit from increased profitability, since they are able to reduce their energy costs and improve their important thing.

    Additionally it is important to note that the technology behind solar power is rapidly advancing, and new advancements are now being made on a regular basis. For instance, the efficiency of solar panel systems is consistently increasing, making it possible for more energy to be generated from an inferior quantity of panels. In addition, new innovations, such as for instance floating solar power panels and solar panel systems which can be incorporated into building materials, are making it simpler and much more cost-effective to consider solar powe

    2023-08-04 | 01:56:43

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